“21 Broadmoor: 1-107”, 2019
Varnished Spruce, Rebar, and steel tread plate
3’ round, 17” tall
In 2018, I was gifted this cross section of a spruce tree which stood on the property of my high school for around 107 years. The history within the rings covers the entire history of the property starting in 1905. The tree was struck by lightning in 2008 which caused it to split but not fall. Then in a windstorm in 2012, it was blown over and this slab was salvaged before the rest of the tree was turned to wood chips which now cover the playground for the children’s school. The slab then dried for 8 years and I turned it into this coffee table at the end of my senior year. The table acts as a reminder of each event throughout my alma mater’s history which added up to make make the campus such a special place for so many people.
Ash Stool